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Feeling generous?  Consider one of these membership levels:

  • Blue Ribbon at $50
  • Champion at $100
  • Grand Champion at $175

    Membership Renewal Donation

    Price Options
    One-time purchase
    Membership Renewal
    $25.00every year until canceled
    • By purchasing this Membership, the purchaser agrees to, as to his or her duties as a member, conduct themselves so as to conform to the Bylaws of C.G.R.A, Inc. and any rules and regulations duly and validly adopted by the Directors, Officers, Committees, or Membership of C.G.R.A., Inc.. The purchaser further agrees, in connection with their participation or attendance in or at any event held by or for the benefit of C.G.R.A., Inc. to always comply with all applicable laws.


      Failure to honor the commitments set out above my cause termination of membership.


      For, and in consideration of, the acceptation of this Membership Appplication and of my being a member of C.G.R.A., Inc. with all its benefits and privileges, the purchaser does hereby agree to protect and indemnify and hold harmless C.G.R.A., Inc. from any and all damage, injury or death which might occur to the purchaser or to the purchaser's property in preparation for, during or immediately following any function held by or for the benefit of C.G.R.A., Inc. and also from any and all liability whatsoever in regard thereto whether any cause of action may occur to you, your executor, administrator or assigns.

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