Royalty Rules
Rules for Mr., Ms., Miss, MsTer, ans Mx. CGRA
Article I - General
1.1 Responsibility.
The Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty committee shall consist of the CGRA Vice President as chair and assigned individuals by the president and have the overall responsibility for coordinating competitions with respective committees responsible for holding the competition. The committee will prepare a file for each contestant, including the application form, judging forms for each competition, and envelopes to seal the judge’s forms in.
1.2 Tabulation of Results. The Mr., Ms, Miss, and MsTer Royalty committee chairperson will be responsible for overseeing the tabulation and auditing of the results of each portion of the competition and will certify to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee the results. The Vice President will provide to the President the results of the competition. The actual score received by any contestant will not be announced.
1.3 Minimum Required Results. In order to “win” any sash in the CGRA Royalty competition, contestants must meet the minimum result of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the total possible score allowed.
1.4 Ties. In the event that two contestants receive the same total score, the tie is broken by which contestant received the highest score in a specific competition. The competitions are checked in the following order to break a tie:
Personal Interview
Public Presentation
Western Wear
1.5 Announcement of Winners. The winners for each title are announced by the President at the conclusion of the competition.
Article II – Eligibility
2.1 General. CGRA Bylaws Article XIV establishes the CGRA Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty program and provides the general guidelines for eligibility.
Article III – Requirements
3.1 Commitment. Any qualified individual who enters the CGRA Mr., Ms., and Miss, and MsTer Royalty competition by submitting their signed application agrees to represent the CGRA in the manner listed on the application. A copy of the approved application is attached as Exhibit A to these rules.
3.2 Identification of Charity. Within seventy-two (72) hours of being named a winner of a Royalty Title, the individual selected is required to submit in writing the name of the 501(c)(3) charity that they are going to represent in the fundraising activities for Board Approval.
3.3 Fundraising. Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer CGRA each agree to raise a minimum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the 501(c)(3) charity they identify under paragraph 3.2 above and five hundred dollars ($500) for CGRA as part of the duties of their title. Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer CGRA first and second runners-up each agree to raise a minimum of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for the 501(c)(3) charity they identify under paragraph 3.2 above and two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for CGRA as part of the duties of their title.
3.4 Fundraising and Entertainment Committee. Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer CGRA shall become members of the CGRA Fundraising and Entertainment Committee and shall be required to have a minimum of one (1) representative at each board meeting. The first and second runners-up shall also be members of this committee.
3.5 Rodeo Participation. Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer CGRA and their first and second runner-ups are required to attend all CGRA produced rodeos. Additionally, Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer CGRA are required to attend at least three (3) out-of-state IGRA sanctioned rodeos, of which at least two (2) shall be prior to June 30 and the third by October 1 of their reign. IGRA University, if held, may count as one of the out-of-state rodeos.
3.6 Residence. Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer CGRA must reside in the state of Colorado during their reign. Article IV - Areas of Competition 4.1 Competitions. There are five (5) areas of competition; contestants must compete in all five (5) competitions.
Personal Interview
Western Wear
Public Presentation
4.2 Judges and Judging. The following paragraphs contain the general rules regarding judges and judging.
4.2.1 Judge Selection. Judge selection is as follows:
A. The Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty Committee will also provide the names of thirty-five (35) individuals to serve as judges for the competition, 5 (five) for each specific competition and one (1) alternate for each specific competition, who are willing to judge.
B. The Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty Committee obtain a commitment from the individuals willing to judge a competition and submit the names and qualifications to the Board for approval.
C. Any vacancies occurring after the thirty (30) day deadline will be filled by the Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty Committee with the approval of the Board.
4.2.2 Judging. The following are the general rules for judging:
A. An individual judge may not judge more than one (1) competition, except for Public Presentation and Western Wear, which are scored by the same judges.
B. Judging forms for each competition are contained in Exhibits B though F respectively.
C. The judges will meet prior to the competition and select a presiding judge to act as the spokesperson for the judges.
D. The presiding judge coordinates with the representative of the Mr., Ms., Miss, MsTer, Mx Royalty Committee to insure that all contestants have adequate opportunity to compete.
E. The judges review the rules of the specific competition prior to the commencement of the competition and make any announcement regarding the rules to the Royalty Committee and all contestants prior to the start of the competition.
F. If a judge does not attend the scheduled competition for any reason, the competition will continue and the missing judge will be replaced with the designated alternate judge.
G. The results of any competition will not be announced.
H. The judges are directly responsible to the President or a representative selected by the President.
4.3 Competition Rules. The rules for each competition, the judging requirements and judging guidelines are listed in the following paragraphs.
4.3.1 Personal Interview. The Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty Committee is responsible for holding this competition.
​ Submission of Questions. The Royalty Committee will put together a pool of 25 questions. Questions will be submitted by the current Royalty, Royalty Committee and any member of the CGRA board. The CGRA board will vote on fifteen (15) questions. From these fifteen questions the interview judges will select ten (10) questions for interview.
​ Questions Asked each Contestant. There are a total of ten (10) questions asked each contestant. All Contestants are asked the same questions. The judges for the competition will meet prior to the competition and review the questions to be asked. Each judge will select two questions from the pool of fifteen (15) selected by the CGRA board to be asked during the interview competition. Questions will be asked by the current CGRA Royalty. Judges. There are a total of five (5) judges for this competition. The judges will review the questions to be asked to each contestant prior to the start of that competition. Any judge may ask one time for a clarification of a contestant’s response. Each judge has a total of one-hundred (100) points to evaluate the contestant (scored on 50 points – doubled on Auditing Sheet).
4.3.2 Horsemanship. The Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty committee is responsible for holding this competition. The ride to be judged must be recorded on a DVD video tape and provided to the Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty Committee prior to the start of the judging of this event. Rules. The ride is to be performed in accordance with the IGRA Riding Rules. The pattern to be rode and the judging guidelines for this competition are contained in Exhibit F. Judges. There are a total of five (5) judges for this competition. The judges are to be knowledgeable of the current IGRA Riding Rules. Each judge has a total of fifty (50) points to evaluate the contestant.
4.3.3 Western Wear. The Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty Committee is responsible for holding this competition. Rules. The presentation takes place based upon the judging form contained in Exhibit C. Judges. There are a total of five (5) judges for this competition. Each judge has a total of fifty (50) points to evaluate the contestant.
4.3.4 Entertainment. The Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty Committee is responsible for holding this competition. Rules. There is a five (5) minute time limit for performance and performance must be of country/western origin. Judges. There are a total of five (5) judges for this competition. Each judge has a total of twenty-five (25) points to evaluate the contestant.
4.3.5 Public Presentation. The Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty Committee is responsible for holding this competition. Rules. The CGRA President prepares the question to be asked. Each contestant is asked the same question by the CGRA President or a person designated by the CGRA President. Judges.There are a total of five (5) judges for this competition. Each judge has a total of fifty (50) points to evaluate the contestant. 4.3.6 In the event a contestant for CGRA Royalty presents documentation they are unable to compete in a specific category of the competition the current CGRA board will be responsible for reviewing the circumstances and addressing the situation on a fair and impartial basis.
Article V - Change to Rules
5.1 Responsibility. The Mr., Ms., Miss, and MsTer Royalty Committee is responsible for the preparation of revisions of these rules, and submission to the general membership for approval. This includes revisions to specific rules and judging forms. Any member may submit recommendations for changes to these rules to the committee.
5.2 Publication. These rules are to be published and available to the CGRA membership forty-five (45) days prior to any competition.